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Why sensory-rich farm visits?

Over 11,800 people have had the opportunity to visit farms and nature reserves across England, many of whom didn’t have the opportunity to do so before.

LNFYS has made nature and greenspaces more interesting, appealing and accessible through focusing on the sensory experience. The rich diversity of activities undertaken on the farms and nature reserves, designed and developed to stimulate the senses, has meant that visits to all types of host sites have been rewarding. Initial concerns that farms and nature reserves without opportunities to interact with livestock could be of lesser interest and perhaps offer fewer benefits to visitors as a result, proved to be unfounded, with no significant differences identified between benefits to participants from farms with livestock and those without.

SONY DSCRead our case studies
So many stories, so little space, so we’ve chosen a few case studies from the past few years

DSC_1512Explore our research
We commissioned the University of Essex to provide an independent academic evaluation of our work. Read our findings here

A picture paints a thousand words but a film brings the painting to life